
This blog began as we documented our adoption of our third child, Caleb. It is now an eclectic journal of our often amusing lifestyle with 4 young children.

We do try to "keep it simple" because our lives are obviously busy enough! We try to hold true to what we firmly believe is the most important: family, friends, and faith.

We hope you enjoy our everyday happenings!


Finally - Some Responses to all of our E-mails

Today we received a response from DHS (Department of Homeland Security). It's a bunch of legal garble that doesn't make a lot of sense. It sounds like we will have to have many things met in Guatemalan court in order to satisfy the US laws so that we can bring Caleb home. We're still trying to get this clarified, but it sounds complicated and time-consuming. Just what we need, more delays. On the bright side, at least we have a clear outline of what exactly must be done, so hopefully our attorney can help us accomplish this as fast as the courts will allow.

Also - we need to mention that we received a call from Senator Feingold's office yesterday. They gave us a couple of suggestions of who else to contact about our case, which we did. We don't know yet if it will help, but we do certainly appreciate the fact that we got a response.

So, in a nutshell, we have no clear answers, we only have more questions. And, no solutions to our dilemma. WE JUST WANT CALEB HOME!


happykosmo said...

I'm sorry they are making this so difficult. Hopefully the attorneys can sort through all of the details and work it out. Hope you had a nice Holiday.
Wishing you the best,

Corey said...

I fowarded your email info to the ADA who is working on my lawsuit, look for an email from her!

Caleb, 9 1/2 months

Caleb, 9 1/2 months
Here is a great picture of Caleb we took during our visit trip.

Caleb, 4 1/2 months old

Caleb, 4 1/2 months old
This is our favorite picture from the group we received with our referral.