
This blog began as we documented our adoption of our third child, Caleb. It is now an eclectic journal of our often amusing lifestyle with 4 young children.

We do try to "keep it simple" because our lives are obviously busy enough! We try to hold true to what we firmly believe is the most important: family, friends, and faith.

We hope you enjoy our everyday happenings!


Hi/Lo Thursday

This post is part of "Hi/Lo Thursday" on the Riggs Family Blog. Check our their blog to read everyone else's "Hi/Lo" posts.

I thought I'd jump in for this one...

Our HI for this week is February 6th - tomorrow. It is our first FAMILY DAY!!! February 6, 2008 is when Keith brought Caleb home to the US. Some of you readers will remember that I was 9 months pregnant at the time and couldn't travel. I will post more tomorrow...or Saturday, as time allows. (Maybe I'll even post pictures...but I'll warn you, I was HUGE!!!! 9 months pregnant + a very stressful adoption (and weight gain) = NOT PRETTY)

Our LO for this week is sickness. Caleb (thankfully) is recovering nicely from ear infection number 5 (or 6, I lose track). Mariah, however, is still absolutely miserable. The antibiotics aren't helping...I anticipate going back to the doctor tomorrow. Meghan and Caleb also have colds, but so far they are *only* colds and we're hoping they don't get any worse. As any parent knows, it is so hard when your kids are ill, and you can't make it better.


veggiemom said...

Happy family day!!! So awesome! Hope Mariah is all better soon.

Jen said...

I hope everyone is feeling well soon and that it does not get any worse. We had one (thankful the only one) with Croup couple weeks ago...not fun. Happy family day! What a great day to celebrate! Gives me goosebumps thinking about you bringing Caleb home!

Ana said...

Happy Family Day!!!!!

Hope everyone feels better. I'm also glad to know that Alberto isn't the only child tired of a camera happy mom... :-)

Caleb, 9 1/2 months

Caleb, 9 1/2 months
Here is a great picture of Caleb we took during our visit trip.

Caleb, 4 1/2 months old

Caleb, 4 1/2 months old
This is our favorite picture from the group we received with our referral.